Sunday, May 9, 2010

Almost time to go home!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Well, I guess one thing that is certainly universal is studying for final exams. The past couple of weeks, I’ve been hanging out in Pamplona with my friends here, since we have so little time left! We went out for Mexican and had a fun girl’s night last weekend. During the week, I’ve just been going to my classes and doing presentations and preparing for my dreadful exams this week, almost as if I were at Maryville! (Except even though I actually have to do work now, it is still WAY less than I’d be doing at MC!)

It’s been super cold and rainy for the past week and a half, so we’ve had to be creative to have fun! But Hanna and Jane and I went out to a mall about 45 minutes away, and got completely soaked waiting at the bus stop. I had my second to last lunch with my tandem language partner, Itziar, and she gave me advice about a small weekend trip to take this weekend.

So yesterday, Hanna and Jane and I went on the bus to San Sebastian, and then took a small train to Hendaye, France. I’m not going to lie, when we got to the train station there, my heart started beating really fast, and I felt sick to my stomach and nervous. I don’t think I’m going to be able to go on an actual train ride for a while…

I think either someone important died in the city or it was a holiday when we went, because everything was closed. (I looked it up, I think it might be VED- Victory in Europe Day from WWII, and there was a war memorial in Hendaye, so it was probably a big deal there). But the fact that everything was closed didn’t really matter because the ocean was beautiful and it WASN’T RAINING! I couldn’t have asked for anything more. We mostly just walked around the little French city, talking and taking advantage of the sunshine. It was a nice break from studying and from staying in Pamplona. So today, I just hit the gym and then cooked a big lunch. I’m about to spend the afternoon studying before going to church tonight. Everything is going well, overall. I just can’t wait to get these tests over with and go home and see everyone!!

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